Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Want a $3000 Fuel Card?

Honda and Clean Energy are teaming up to hand out $3000 fuel cards to all new Civic Natural Gas customers.   

After doing a few quick calculations, I realized that it would take an eon, at current natural gas prices, to use the entire three grand.  Honda said, "With a combined EPA fuel economy rating of 31 mpg and a fuel cost savings of up to 40 percent compared to a typical gasoline-powered contact cat, the Civic Natural Gas Vehicle can significantly reduce the pain at the pump."  And that's only once you start to pay for it!

Filling up with natural gas is very similar what you normally do at the gas pump.  It only takes a few minutes to fill and you're usually able to travel about 200 miles between filling up.  (I know on my gas-run Odyssey, I can usually go about 230 miles before filling up, so it's likely quite comparable to what you're currently doing.)

In addition to the personal benefits of free then lower fuel costs, it's also great for the environment.  The 2012 Natural Gas Civic was named the "2012 Green Car of the Year" by Green Car Journal and one of the "greenest vehicles of 2012" by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.  

"It you're looking to save money at the pump . . . and reduce your environmental impact, the 2012 Civic Natural Gas Vehicle is a great choice," noted Steve Center, vice president of the American Honda Environmental Business Development Office.

"Drivers have increasingly seen a greater percentage of their dollars going down their car's gasoline tanks," said Peter Grace, senior vice president of Clean Energy for sales.  "For the average driver, the $3000 Clean Energy fuel card provided by Honda will translate into two to three years of not paying for fuel."
I don't know how that translates for you, but not having to pay for gas would save me upwards of $80 a month.  I can think of a lot of things I can do with $80 a month for the next three years!  
To learn more about the CNG fuel card promotion check out:  Want to more about CNG filling stations around the country?
And to check the inventory of the Natural Gas Civics here in Orem click here.  

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