Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Do You Need To Wash Off Fast? (Tips on Keeping Car Paint Nice)

You never know what will happen Halloween night.  Spooks and goblins (aka princesses, pirates and Justin Bieber) knocking at your door for candy is a given.  But once the little ones are in bed, sometimes hooligans come out to have a little fun, too.

This is the time of night when your jack-o-lanterns are at risk for getting smashed, you house toilet-papered and your car egged.  There are several things you need to know to get off your car paint fast before it ruins the finish and bleaches the color.

Although there are many things that can ruin a car finish (bird poop, sand, UV rays, bug guts, and tree sap) around Halloween, it's important to watch for household products and auto-use chemicals many of which can destroy a car finish is a couple of hours.

Brake cleaner, brake fluid, brake dust carburetor cleaner and gasoline can destroy a car's finish in time.  Wipe spills immediately and don't top off gasoline at the pump.  Of these, brake fluid can ruin a finish fast, so make sure to keep it off the paint or douse with water immediately.

Mustard, fertilizer, shaving cream and eggs are household products that will kill the finish of your car.  Shaving cream and eggs are particularly potent, so if someone pulls a prank, don't let it wait for the next day.

Rumor has it the bologna will ruin a car finish, too.  eHow says no way and argues that bologna only leaves grease spots which are easily washed off.  Answerbag claims that not only will bologna ruin a car's finish, but it will ruin rapidly in the sun.  I'd rather be safe than sorry.  Pull the bologna off quickly and wash with auto detergent.

No matter if you are visited by angels or devils Halloween night, you know how to keep your car's finish in top shape.

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